The Holiday Paper Series is a tradition in which, around the winter holidays, we publish a white paper about a fun research topic without thinking about peer-review, journal interests, grant agencies, nor anything else besides our passion for research. Here you can find the papers in this series.
Celebrities: A Teaser for our new Holiday Paper Series (2024)
From 2025, we change to a pace of publishing our holiday paper series articles during the Summer Holidays. In this PDF, you can find a teaser.
Abusing Large Language Models for Advice Generation and Behavior Simulation (2023)
David Garcia, Indira Sen, Joao Pinheiro Neto, Segun Aroyehun, Emma Fraxanet, Giordano De Marzo, Hannah Metzler, Apeksha Shetty, Jana Lasser, Jula Lühring, Alina Herderich
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Abusing Large Language Models for Advice Generation and Behavior Simulation (2023)
David Garcia, Indira Sen, Joao Pinheiro Neto, Segun Aroyehun, Emma Fraxanet, Giordano De Marzo, Hannah Metzler, Apeksha Shetty, Jana Lasser, Jula Lühring, Alina Herderich
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Is it written in the stars? Studying zodiac signs and horoscopes as cultural phenomena (2022)
Anna Di Natale, Hannah Metzler, Emma Fraxanet, Segun Aroyehun, Jana Lasser, Alina Herderich, Apeksha Shetty, Jula Lühring, David Garcia
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🤌 and its meanings: An emojical study (2021)
Anna Di Natale, Emma Fraxanet, Max Pellert, Jana Lasser, Hannah Metzler, Alina Herderich, Segun Aroyehun, Apeksha Shetty, David Garcia
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Oh my God: The linguistic influence of the TV series Friends (2020)
David Garcia, Hannah Metzler, Janna Lasser, Max Pellert, Anna Di Natale
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